Calculate the number of combinations/permutations of a vector chosen \(m\) at a time with or without replacement. Additionally, these functions can calculate the number of combinations/permutations of multisets.

comboCount(v, m = NULL, ...)
permuteCount(v, m = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for default
comboCount(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for default
permuteCount(v, m = NULL, repetition = FALSE, freqs = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for table
comboCount(v, m = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for table
permuteCount(v, m = NULL, ...)



Source vector. If v is a positive integer, it will be converted to the sequence 1:v. If v is a negative integer, it will be converted to the sequence v:-1. All atomic types are supported (See is.atomic).


Number of elements to choose. If repetition = TRUE or freqs is utilized, m can exceed the length of v. If m = NULL, the length will default to length(v) or sum(freqs).


Further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value indicating whether combinations/permutations should be with or without repetition. The default is FALSE.


A vector of frequencies used for producing all combinations/permutations of a multiset of v. Each element of freqs represents how many times each element of the source vector, v, is repeated. It is analogous to the times argument in rep. The default value is NULL.


A numerical value representing the total number of combinations/permutations.


When the number of results exceeds \(2^{53} - 1\), a number of class bigz is returned.


## Same interface as the respective "general" functions:
## i.e. comboGeneral & permuteGeneral

#> [1] 120
#> [1] 120
comboCount(25, 12)
#> [1] 5200300
permuteCount(15, 7, TRUE)
#> [1] 170859375
comboCount(25, 12, freqs = rep(2, 25))
#> [1] 458917850

## Return object of class 'bigz'
comboCount(250, 15, freqs = rep(2, 250))
#> Big Integer ('bigz') :
#> [1] 1035444613157684247678300